The Three Imaginative Ways to Narrow Your Online Business’s Focus
Picking a specific area of interest to target for your online business’s marketing efforts is essential if you want to see any success.
In order to reach the intended recipient, you must first identify him or her.
And it is up to you to tailor your copywriting services to meet their needs. Give her choices that she’ll like, that are within her price range, and that will bring her value in the ways that matter to her.
When starting an online enterprise, one of the first things people do is to try to pin down their “niche.” There’s nothing inherently wrong with that… but it’s trickier than it looks at first glance.
Niche can refer to more than just a narrow subject area. The term “niche” originates from the biological realm and describes the unique relationship that each species has with the rest of its ecosystem.
It’s a measure of how a given plant or animal functions in its ecosystem.
Indeed, the subject you’re writing about falls within the parameters of your specialty. However, your target audience is as well. Not to mention where you’re situated. And that’s not even counting the potential partners you’ll make. Plus, the people who re-post your articles. Additionally, the channels where your content is distributed.
How do entrepreneurs occupy these spaces in various forms?
Primeval niches
In the early days of the Internet, finding a market niche meant creating a small website that focused on a keyword that had not yet been oversaturated. The next step is to study search engine optimization (SEO) for writers, rank your content, and then stuff it full of affiliate links.
It was neat, and some people did very well with it, but these days it simply doesn’t cut it.
Rae Hoffman hit the nail on the head years ago in a post that is still highly relevant on how to survive the affiliate evolution.
Her post talked about moving toward richer and better content, a better user experience, communicating quality (to both visitors and potential partners), and establishing a credible point of difference.
The conventional view of niches overlooks the searcher in favour of the target. As opposed to the person whose problem a particular keyword phrase is being used to solve, the emphasis here is on the keyword phrase itself.
I’d like to compare my current model with some more promising alternatives.
Internet business specialisation in the year 2023
Consider the process of artistic education.
Surprisingly, there is a wealth of free resources for art instruction on the web, especially on YouTube. Whatever your fancy, you can get training in the arts.
Making a living as an online art teacher is difficult. But there are many businesses that do exactly that.
How? When businesses successfully differentiate themselves from the competition, it’s because they have clearly defined their target markets, honed in on their messages, and provided compelling offers. Searching for a distinguishing feature.
Do not forget that the market for art instruction is not zero.
In other words, people interested in learning more about art don’t just watch one video, read one ebook, or join one membership site. Especially at the outset of their travels, they have a propensity for total immersion.
Let’s now examine three websites that have successfully implemented this strategy.
1. The Ultimate Powerful
If you want to stand out from the crowd, one strategy is to offer more features and functionality than the competition.
That “simply” isn’t a synonym for “easily” here.
Artists Network partners with major art book publishers to provide authors with a platform on which to share their knowledge and expertise with the world.
If you’re the type to collect “How to Paint” books, then you can bet that some of the authors on your bookshelf also have courses on Artists Network.
The idea is to track down highly knowledgeable individuals, have them write engaging and informative tutorials, and then use the publishing platform to sell more in-depth materials.
However, there are also lone mega authorities. Bob Ross is a household name, known for his “happy little trees” paintings and calming YouTube videos.
I watched Bill Alexander’s “happy trees” on his PBS show as a kid and they served as inspiration for Ross’s style of painting and spiel. Alexander’s family continues to offer art classes that can be downloaded from the internet, in addition to materials, books, and a free library membership.
Because of their authoritative status, experts can compete with the vast amount of free information available on this subject.
Online art classes benefit from having visually appealing content that compels viewers to say, “I want to learn how to do that.”
These educators consistently show off impressive levels of expertise. They’ve got the credentials (awards, books) and the subject matter expertise (knowing how to teach what we want to learn) we need to succeed.
2. Online company in the field of professional authority
For a specific and well-defined subset of artists, The Art of Education University offers courses tailored to the needs of art educators.
Courses can be taken for either graduate or undergraduate credit, and they can also count toward a teacher’s professional development hours.
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The course costs are very low compared to those of traditional universities. Art educators aren’t exactly known for their deep pockets, but this product still makes economic sense for them.
The Art of Education University follows suit with the other models by providing free authoritative content that is both high-quality and widely applicable, thereby attracting the kind of customers any enterprise would do well to have.
Learning new skills is always a good move if you can produce high-quality content. It’s in high demand because it’s essential for professionals to have, particularly those who must maintain their credentials through continuing education.
Regardless of the specifics of your chosen online business niche, audience growth through content creation is a near certainty. The commitment to the development of other professionals can be modelled after this.
3. A position of supreme authority
Both of the locations I’ve mentioned are massive. Having famous instructors, a large amount of material, and a lengthy development period would require a significant investment of both time and resources.
However, massive isn’t your only option.
Eni Oken, the artist, has narrowed her focus in a number of specific ways.
She’s qualified to instruct the meditative art of Zentangle, a distinct subculture in and of itself. But even within that subfield, Eni zeroes in on particulars like shading drawings and compositional techniques.
Eni is savvy about search engine optimization, and her site appears in the top results for several terms related to widely used Zentangle drawing methods.
She herds her readers into a newsletter and keeps her focus on the promotion at hand by repeatedly prompting them to take action.
There is a lot of stunning visual art in her posts, but there’s no mistaking the fact that she’s running a business.
Differentiation is easier when you’re willing to put yourself in the spotlight as the face of your company.
Topical and subtopical differentiation (Eni Oken is the “shading Zentangle teacher”) is only a preface to the real differentiation: her unique artistic style, teaching approach, and personality. Together, they form what is known as “the Eni brand.”
Personality shouldn’t be the only thing setting you apart from the competition when building a business.
You should put some thought into how you can inject your own unique flair into the niche you select for your online business. The difference between success and failure often comes down to the founder’s ability to communicate with their audience, whether through a newsletter, blog, podcast, or vlog.
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